
Definition från Wiktionary, den fria ordlistan.
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// @ts-check

/** @type {*} */
var w = window;

w.sessionStorageNotify =
   * A wrapper around `mw.notification.notify()`, where if the notification
   * wasn't shown for a sufficiently long time on the current page, will be
   * displayed on the next page load.
   * @param {{
   *  message: string | HTMLElement | JQuery;
   *  seconds?: number;
   *  tag?: string;
   * }} opts
  function (opts) {
      id: Math.random(),
        typeof opts.message === "string"
          ? opts.message
          : { html: $("<div>").append(opts.message).html() },
      seconds: opts.seconds || 5,
      tag: opts.tag,

 * @typedef {{
 *  id: number;
 *  message: string | { html: string };
 *  seconds: number;
 *  tag?: string;
 * }} Notif
 * @typedef {*} JQuery

var $ = w.$;
var mw =;

/** @param {Notif} notif */
function show(notif) {
      // OOUI isn't required by this gadget, but by loading it, we load the CSS
      // required for an `OO.ui.MessageWidget`.
    function () {
      // Create a MediaWiki notification and show it.
      var n = mw.notification.notify(
        typeof notif.message === "string"
          ? notif.message
          : $($.parseHTML(notif.message.html)),
          autoHide: false,
          tag: notif.tag,

      // Add it to `sessionStorage`.
      update(function (notifs) {
        notifs[] = notif;

      // Close the notification and remove it from `sessionStorage`.
      setTimeout(function () {
        update(function (notifs) {
          delete notifs[];
      }, 1000 * notif.seconds);

/** @param {(notifs: Record<number, Notif>) => void} action */
function update(action) {
  try {
    var key = "gadget:ssNotify";
    var notifs = JSON.parse("" + sessionStorage.getItem(key)) || {};
    sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(notifs));
  } catch (e) {
    // Can't use `sessionStorage`. Do nothing.

$(function () {
  // Don't actually update them here - just used for access.
  update(function (notifs) {